Apart from being culinary taste making additives , these Idukki spice elixirs have mostly unknown medicinal and heath augmentation and flavouring characterestics , which are highlighted as below:--
This Queen of Spice made the then Indian peninsula the destination of the ancient Spice Route. Both its seeds and as the whole dried fruit are known to have proven medicinal value, culinary use and as a exciter of human taste buds.
* Has much higher pod to seed ratio and thus higher oil content per fruit.
* Plucked only at prescribed maturity and ripeness from plants, by experts.
* Scientifically dried, removing pollutant residues as per seed specifics.
* Graded from 5 to 8mm, (famous Alleppy Bold Green) as per farm specifics.
* Packed fresh without losing its characteristic famous parrot-green colour.
Cinnamon is one of the ancient spices which has been mentioned in the old testament. The spice is obtained form the inner bark of the Cinnamon tree, It come s in two varients the outer barks and the premium inner rolls that are delicately carved out. Graded thrice based on oil content.
* It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
* Its prebiotic properties may improve gut health.
* Reduces blood pressure.
* Reduces L.D.L cholesterol and triglycerides.
* Improves sensitivity to hormone insulin.
The king of spices since millennia selectively collected fr earmarked farms in ldukki. This unmatched ecosystem of this Biodiversity gives ldukki Pepper a superlative edge in the spices world.
* Anti inflammatory properties.
* Antibacterial and antifungal.
* Rich in Vitamins like A & C flavonoids.
* Piperine alkaloid in pepper boosts Human immune system and brain functions.
* Lowers cholesterol levels.
Arrowroot Powder is an all-natural silky white powder produced by grinding up the dried rhizomes of the tropical Arrowroot plant. Hygenically dried and powdered from best in nature. Traditional remedy for all gastronomic problems used since generations.
* Glutten free, Glutten free, fights gastro intestinal infections and diarrhoea.
* Rich source of potassium, iron and B vitamins enhances Immunity.
* Arrowroot Powder has earned a reputation as an elegant, lightweight, all-natural absorbent powder with added skin-nourishing and anti-irritant properties.
Cloves are the dried flower buds of clove trees, ldukki grown are best graded in quality and oil content due to the unique eco system. Unmixe and selectively packed.
* Heals stomach ulcers.
* Rich in magnesium and anti bacterial.
* Boost memory and increases blood flow.
* Reduces nausea and bloating.
* Improves sensitivity to hormone insulin.
Idukki grown nutmegs are generally larger in size and better graded in quality. Noted for higher oil content and organic medicinal characteristics. Nutmeg and Mace are two different spices obtained from the fruit of a single tree.
* Nutmeg has high medicinal value with its aphrodisiac, stimulant, carminative and astringent properties.
* Controls oxidative stress, fights neuro degenerative conditions.
* Mace is more intense in flavour and is used in the preparation of savoury dishes.
Grown in elevated regions , the nature and and Taste of tender tea leaves, invigorating metabolism. Dried, processed without chemical adulteration
* Chosen & packed without adulteration retaining genuine fragrance exclusive higher
* Also organic green tea with higher anti-oxidant content
The content of caffeine in the beans depends on the growth terrain , organic cultivation,plant species ,berry ripeness and special drying and powdering s.. Additive spices are derived only from organic flvoring agents
* Collected from higher altitude organically cultivated farms
* Blended without losing rich natural goodness of raw beans
* powdered exclusively and scientifically at optimum dryness.
Completly organic Forest Honey sourced from the core forest of Western Ghats exclusively from the tribes in the buffer zone of Kanamppadi, Idukki. This is a natural elixir extracted from the nectars medicinal plants like Akatti, Amritavalli, Chittaratha and many rare orchids endemic to this bio diversity hot spot. Forest honey is not available all year round.
* Reverse cellular aging process.
* Rich in antioxidants and boosts immunity.
* Reduces fat build up in arteries, lowed triglycerides.
* Helps in beautifying skin and hair.
Best known natural Anti- toxic, nutrition supplement with enhanced anti-oxidant capacity etc.
* Boosts brain sensitive neurotropic factors and help to boost immunity.
* Help to prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and Arthritis.
* Most commonly used condiment for Indian curries and pastries.
Sun-dried to greyish-brown colour, it is one the main ingredient of Indian Garam, masala , rich in antioxidants and also improve digestion,
* Alleviate cramps and reduce nausea.
* With tea after meals treat digestive ailments,indigestion and constipation.
Derived from the steam distillation of Cymbopogon leaves, it promotes hair growth and improves skin texture.
* As a stimulant with wide range of benefits, from alleviating headaches to be a deodorant
* Significant in aromatherapy, widely popular fot its powerful citrus scent
Flavanol-rich cocoa improves the level of nitric oxide in your blood, which relaxes and dilates your arteries and blood vessels and improves blood flow and heart health.
* Cocoa powder is rich in the obromine, which helps to reduce inflammation Cocoa is one of the richest sources of polyphenols.
* Abundant in flavanols, which have potent antioxidant and improve s cholestrol levels
No preservative additives , colouring agents or taste , enhancers are used
Marayoor is a old hill station in ldukki which is one of the 3 UNESCO Geographical Indication Tagged product (G.I.T), thanks to the sugarcane characteristic endemic to the region, An organic cottage industry for processed pure jaggery.
* Sugar content is at least 70% more than any other jaggery.
* Sugarcane juice is boiled in slow fire for more than 3 hours.
* Scientifically dried, removing pollutant residues as per seed specifics.
* Low calorie sugar and no chemical additive or preservative.
A centuries-old heritage processed product made as cottage industry from palmyra wine endemic to Palakkad plateau
* Organically extracted from the sap of palmyra palm
* Boiled for long hours in slow fire till chrystallised
* Low in calorific sugar and acts as a taste enhancer
* Medicinal properties: good for reducing body sputum
It is the purest form of virgin tea , organically grown,' selectively handpicked at the early hours of the day La, e this very tender silver needle leaves of Camellia sinensis(Tea plant )are plucked with atmost care, without rolling,naturally dried over moist cotton cloth to prevent oxidation. Its highly rich in Epigallo Catechin gallate which aids best for regeneration of heart cells and fights cancer preventing cell deaths .As the tea matures it's medicinal value also improves. Consuming tea brewed from these furled leaves guarantees the existence of nutrients in the purest natural form
* Proven to have potential health invigorating effects on human metabolic processes.
* Very high in anti-oxidants and tanning.
* Help to relax blood vessels thanks to catechins like EGCG its highly recommended for cardiovascular health.
* Polyphenols it contain free radicals fighting against aging process, curative properties for chronic somatic inflammation and weak immunity.
Choice tender green leaves preferably cultivated traditionally based on zero budget farming without use of chemicals, plucked and processed with minimal oxidation. Chinese studies indicate that people who drink at least onecup of green tea everyday for at least six months have a reduced risk of developing cancer of the colon, rectum, pancreas, ovary & Heart Disease.Green tea has abundance of Contains Epigallo Catechin gallate an antioxidant that prevent s cell death and enhances recovery of heart cells.
* Green tea may boost metabolic rate and increase fat burning
* Bioactive compounds in green tea can have various protective effects on the brain reducing the risk of dementia or loss of memory owing to aging.
* Lowers total ,particularly Bad Cholestrol, protecting LOL particles from Aoxidation
* Latest studies support green tea as an immunity Booster to better guard against covid.
Indian filter coffee is a coffee drink made by mixing frothed and boiled milk with the infusion obtained by percolation brewing of finely ground coffee powder in a traditional Indian filter.[citation needed] The drink is also referred to as Madras filter coffee, Kumbakonam degree coffee, Mylapore filter coffee, Mysore filter coffee, Palakkad Iyer coffee
Pink Himalayan salt is considered as the purest salt available. It contains up to 98 percent sodium chloride. The rest of the salt consists of trace minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Which gives the salt its light pink tint.
* contracting and relaxing muscles
* maintaining proper fluid balance and preventing dehydration
* sending nervous system impulses
* preventing low blood pressure